Now is the Time!


When I stepped out of my comfort zone to become a certified yoga instructor, that was my version of jumping out of a plane. Though I've practiced yoga for almost 15 years, I certainly didn't have the self-confidence to stand in front of 20 people and be the center of attention. No matter how accepting and caring my mates were, my inner voice said that I wasn't good enough, worthy enough. Fear of being judged and loads of self-doubt were so paralyzing that I'd think of ways to get out of going.

The investment of getting my license to teach and the passion I had built up over a decade of learning the art weren't enough to keep me going back. You know what did? Perseverance. Knowing that if I quit, the only person who would never let me live it down was ME. I owed this to myself. I couldn't face myself for quitting over a stupid thing like fear. I had to overcome fear so many times before, and I somehow survived. It felt like I could have died from fear. But here I was. Facing another day.

And guess what happened? I survived. I received my Yoga Teacher Certification and I left with it in my hand knowing that it was only the beginning of something much bigger. Within a few months, I enrolled in Institute for Integrative Nutrition with a plan to combine yoga with advocating health & wellness. Here I am a little over a year after taking a monumental leap of faith, an official Certified Health & Fitness Coach. How I got from THERE TO HERE will be posted in another blog, for another day. Don't miss that one.

Thank God I didn't quit before I got started. Thank God I finally learned how to properly breathe (the greatest takeaway from getting my certification). I still have so much to learn, to ingest, to give. Teaching yoga while going back to school to become a certified health coach kept me on track.

One thing I grew fond of during my progression has been my Moon Deck Oracle Cards. They are like the sweet cousin of tarot cards, similar energy to reading your horoscope. When I received them, I prayed over them and cleansed them with incense and essential oils. I poured my energy into them, because lets face it, we all have our rituals. Prayer, mantra and daily practices that we aren't even aware of that keep us grounded.

The Moon Deck is my daily practice. So when the "Integrate" Card presented itself to me today, it was no surprise. This is a condensed version of what the card says: - "Integration is just as important as learning. When we've filled our basket to the brim, we need to pause from taking more in so that we can digest all that we've gathered. Now is the time to embody the abundance you've harvested and put what you know into action - in your own life and in your offerings to the world. Integrate what's been passed on to you, and share your growth with others. Now is the time."

NOW IS THE TIME. Not just for me, but for you too. What fears have you faced? What lessons have been presented to you that made your story worth sharing? Who needs to hear it and be inspired by your calling? Now is the time to integrate your insight and knowledge into an action plan. 

© 2021 VidaLoca Integrative Yoga & Nutrition. 12827 Jones Rd, Houston, TX 77070
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